I'm in my mid-thirties and like most I grew up when the internet was just beginning to take off. Unfortunately we were too poor for our own computer, so I don't think we got one until I was about 14. We had a big ol' CRT monitor and a family computer, unklike most my internet usage was heavily restricted. This was both a blessing and a curse I guess. My parents were heavily conservative and religious, this was during the satanic panic era so a lot of that stuff affected me directly. I never got to go on neopets, webkinz, or anything like that. I had to ask permission for every website I joined. DnD was absolutely not that was a gateway to the devil! I joined Livejournal and most of my memories are there and a Naruto RP forum where I RP'd as Kankuro for a long time. I still have some fond memories of that.
On that line, a lot of my gender and sexuality exploration was stunted too. So I'm still learning a lot about these things slowly. With the support of my friends I discovered that I identify more with genderfluidity, but I didn't grow up with that identity. Looking back at it, it was really obvious that I wasn't cis but I had no exposure to anything different so I just assumed what I was going through was normal. It was obviously not normal.
I still live with my parents presently and while they've mellowed out considerably from the past, some things are still there as a barrier between me and them. I don't think I'll ever be fully out with them. This is a lot, but that's to say that this blog will not be perfect and I'll most likely still be figuring things out along the way. I am super thankful right now for the friends I have and I am more hopeful about the future. I was also late diagnosed with a plethora of things so I'm also figuring that shit out. Regardless, if you've come here and are curious about me I hope you're able to give me some grace while I figure this stuff out.